AI Music
is here

We don't use LLMs to copy from artists, our super smart and fast algorithms are trained by humans! 🙌


Copyright-free music
with no restrictions
Premium users can generate 5 hours of music per month!

See how it works in 1 min
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Endless music.
Created live with AI trained by humans

See how it works in 1 min
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Here's a taste of what Larnii
can do

Now playing - Deep House

the free Larnii streaming app

Use Larnii anywhere

The app version of Larnii is perfect for everyday use, play endless music in the background while on the go or using other apps.

Download Larnii on the apple store Download Larnii on the Google Play store Download the free Larnii streaming app
Download the free Larnii streaming app Download the free Larnii streaming app
Download Larnii on the apple store Download Larnii on the Google Play store

Power up your content

Never worry about copyright again

Larnii provides you with complete copyright ownership, so you can monetise your creations. This makes Larnii the perfect tool for creators, musicians and producers.

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Endless music for every moment

Hear the best music for study, relaxation, workout, streaming, partying, and more!

Adjust the vibe of the music to match the moment.

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Create like
never before

Customise and download the music live - as it's being created!

Our technology allows you to adjust the mood of the music live, creating a dynamic and ever changing soundscape that can fit any situation. Whether it's a party or a study session, Larnii has you covered.

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Step 3: Use code to upgrade to Premium via Stripe